
加拿大华文教育学会是在加拿大联邦政府注册的非牟利机构,由一批资深德高望重的教育专家学者组成。他们长期生活在海外, 为弘扬中华文化发挥着巨大的作用。


开展汉语教学; 提供汉语教学资源。

  •  海外汉语教师培训,教师学历教育和非学历培训。
  •  汉语教师资格认证。
  •   “汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛。
  •  每年组织“三常知识竞赛活动” ,开展各类“中华文化知识竞赛” 活动。
  •  “寻根之旅”活动。
  •  有效地开展各种层次和规格的中加文化交流。
  •  暑期夏令营, 组织学生学习中华文化, 形成规模化制度化。



凡是从事教育事业的在职教师, 热爱教育事业的家长,愿为弘扬中华文化出力,交纳会费,遵纪守法公民,移民,留学生均可加入.

3. 会员的权利和义务?

(五)按期缴纳会费。各成员每年缴纳会费20元, 成员单位每年缴纳会费100元。

    Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada(CCESC) is a non-profit organization registered in Canadian federal government. There are many education specialists, Chinese teachers and enthusiasts in the Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada. All share the same passion and the same goal to teach Chinese and to develop the education and cultural exchange between Canada and China. We believe that, with everyone working together diligently, the Society will promote the development of Chinese education in Canada and bridge the friendship between Canadians and Chinese.

    Initiatives Highlights
Encourage and support professional development for teachers in the Chinese Language Education through professional conferences, in-service training program, which includes non-qualification training or certification training, providing access to the latest materials and resources that could help enhance their teaching and learning.

    Promote the learners’ interest and enthusiasm in studying the Chinese Language and enhance their understanding and knowledge of the Chinese Culture through a variety of organized educational opportunities:
Chinese Proficiency Competition for High School & Elementary Students.
“Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students.
Youth Chinese Test
W5H contest on Knowledge of China, Chinese Culture & History
“Knowing Our Roots” study tour in China
Summer School Program.

Initiate communication with local organizations / government bodies / school boards to facilitate the development of joint program activities or events to promote among the general public their interest in the Chinese Culture.