Organizer: The Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada (CCESC) in partnership with the York Catholic District School Board
Candidates: All high school and elementary school students aged 14 to 20
为展示孔子学院教材建设成果,推荐优秀中华文化读物,更好地满足各国汉语教学的需求,配合第七届孔子学院大会的召开,国家汉办/孔子学院总部将举办 “孔子学院优秀文化读物”评选活动。诚邀广大汉语教师参与评选推荐活动,同时请您帮忙广为转发
时间:2012年12月9日 12:00—4:30pm
地点:Elgin Barrow Arena, 43 Church St. South, Richmond Hill,L4C 1W1
兹定于2012年10月14日(周日) 下午2:30--4:30 举行年度会员大会。
为表达对海外华文教育的关注和对海外华文教师 的关爱...
加拿大华文教育学会举办首届 趣味中文夏令营...
时间:7 月 24 日 晚 7-9 点
票价:25 元
主办单位: 加拿大华文教育学会 (CCESC), 中国海外交流协会 (COEA)
Organizer: Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada, Chinese Overseas Exchange Association
Organizer: The Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada (CCESC) in partnership with the York Catholic District School Board
Participants: High school and elementary school students (non-Chinese Canadian) aged 14 to 20
Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada invites you to attend 2011 Overseas Chinese Teacher Awards and the Christmas Party
When: 11 月 27 日星期日 4:30pm---8:30pm
Where: Elgin Barrow Arena, Richmond Hill Room