日期:2021年5月16日 Date: May 16, 2021
时间:上午10点 Time: 10:00 AM
I. Organizer:
China National Language Office Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China
The Chinese Consulate General in Toronto
The Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada (CCESC)
II. Title
2021 Chinese Proficiency Competition for Canada in High School Students (Toronto, Canada)
III. Theme
追梦中文 不负韶华
Fly High With Chinese
IV. Purposes
1.Due to the Pandemic . this competition has be changed to video format.
2.To provide a stage for young people to learn Chinese language and Strengthen their language ability; to create a platform for mutual learning and exchanging experiences;
3. To stimulatestudents’ Chinese learning interest and enthusiasm; to promote Chinese language and the understanding of Chinese culture .
4. to facilitate overseas Chinese language teaching and learning.
V. Events
• Speech in Mandarin
Focusing on participants’ integrated knowledge of Chinese language skills
Reference website:
Chinese Bridge: www.chinesebridge.org
Confucius Institute Website: www.kzxy.com.cn
Performance Chinese songs, music, dancing, opera, acrobatic, instrument, calligraphy, drawing, paper-cutting, Kung Fu and so on
VI. Competition Format and Schedule
1. The Candidates are Non-Chinese Canadian
2. Preliminary and Final Contest
Preliminary Contest Dates: April 30–May17, 2020
Final Contester
Preliminary candidates are selected by school boards, private schools, and related organizations.
There are 1 teacher and 3 – 5 candidates in each team
VII. Awards
Individual Awards:One first prize, Two second prizes, Three third prizes(Elementary and secondary school two groups)
VIII. Judges
Judges are invited from Professional and Different Occupations
X. Registration
Deadline is May 10, 2021. Participant may use Google account to register.
XI. Contact & Information:[email protected]