First Announcement – Call for The 7th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (ICCLP7)
The Chinese Culture and Education Society of Canada (CCESC) has already successfully held six International Conferences on Chinese Language Pedagogy, with the sponsorship of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC, formerly Hanban), the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China, and the Education Office of the Chinese Consulate in Toronto. This year, we will move on to The 7th International Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy (ICCLP7). In addition to the same sponsors mentioned above, the ICCLP7 will be co-organized with the Chinese unit of the Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC). We hereby would like to invite every one of you to participate in this event.
会议日期Date: 2024年8月10日星期六 Saturday, August 10, 2024
举办地点Venue: 多伦多大学教育学院(详见二号通知)University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE; see Announcement 2 for details)
研讨范围Topics: 包括但不限Include but are not limited to the following:
* 中文教育与教学法研究
Studies on Chinese language education and pedagogy
* 中华文化与语言的融合
The integration of Chinese culture into language teaching
* 中文水平等级标准研究
Research on Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards
* 移民社会双语并进课程
English/Chinese and Chinese/English bilingual courses in a society of immigrants
* 语言学视角的汉语教学
Linguistic approaches to Chinese language teaching and learning
* 所选教材及其灵活运用
Textbooks chosen and flexible adaptations of them
* 国际华文教学管理模式
Management models for heritage Chinese teaching and learning
* 人工智能与教学
The use of AI in teaching and learning
与会人员 Participants:
Teachers of Chinese in the regular educational system and graduate students
Teachers and staff members from private Chinese schools and after-school institutions
Prospective teachers who aspire to teach Chinese in the future
Relevant educational administrators and those who care about the field
Language publishers and distributors
Developers and relevant personnel of bilingual and bicultural products.
China scholars please register online with VPN.
Deadline: Sunday, June 30, 2024
论文征稿:这部分详见报名表中的“论文题目与摘要”栏目。请提供300个字词以内的中文或英文论文摘要,附3-5 个关键词。研讨会语言为中文或英文。无论单独或合写作者,每篇论文的发表限于25 分钟,含问答时间。 请将论文摘要上传。
Call for papers: This part is seen in the section “Paper Title and Abstract” in the registration. The abstract is up to 300 words in English or Chinese characters, with 3-5 keywords. The conference language is in English or Chinese. As a sole author or with a co-author, the presenter(s) will have 25 minutes, including the question and answer time. Please upload your abstract.
接受摘要: 6月30日后,第七届国际中文教学研讨会筹备委员会将予审核,一周内尽快回复结果。
Accepted abstracts: AfteJune 30, the organizing committee of the ICCLP7 will referee all the applications for presentations and make the selection decision as soon as possible, within one week.
Please see our second announcement in due course for anything that is not covered in this first announcement.
We look forward to meeting you at the ICCLP7.
第七届国际中文教学研讨会组委会 The organizing committee of ICCLP7
2024年3月13日March 13, 202